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How to Add Students, Admins, and other Academics to your Team and associated Projects

See also What is a Team?

See also How to Remove a Student or other Academic From Your Team & Associated Projects  

Project Leaders should never add industry professionals to their Team or their project.

Team Member vs. Team Administrator

When you add people to your team, you can choose to add them as either a Member or an Administrator.

Many Professors find it helpful to assign a few individuals, such as administrative staff or select students, as Team Administrators. Team Administrators are able to help the PI manage the team by adding and removing people from the team. Team Admins can also run Team reports.  

Please keep these rules for student email addressses in mind: Important Instructions for Student Email Addresses

Add Person to Team

To add a person to your project, they must be a member of your Team. First, add the person to your team. Remember, project leaders should never add industry professionals to their Team.

1.  Click your name in the upper right-hand corner and select your Team. 


2. Along the left-hand menu, choose Management | Users. 

3. Type the name or email address of the Research Scholar where it says "Enter name or email of collaborator." If the person is already in the system, you can select their name. If the name is not in the system, you will need to enter the email address (see note) and select Invite ____ to join your team
You must select the name from the dropdown list. The Add button will only become active once you have selected a name from the list. 



4. Choose either Member or Administrator. Team Administrators can 1) run Team reports and 2) add/remove others from the Team.

5. Click Add.


Add Person to Project

Now return to the Project Users list. Remember, project leaders should never add industry professionals to their project.

Type the name into the Manage Users field, select the name from the dropdown list, and choose Academic, then press Add.


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