In the navigation bar at the top right, click on Projects.
Ways to search for a Project
- Type in Project Title or Project ID in "Search for Project" field
- Type in access category abbreviation into "Filter by access categories" field
- Click on a purple access category to search by that access category
- Search by team, alpha by first name
- Search by either active, archived or all
- Project tags coming soon
If you are participating in a project as a researcher or liaison, your projects will be listed first on this page. These display above the "Available Projects" line.
While the card view is the default, you can also click the view toggle to change to list view. List view allows you to sort by name, ID, Leader (first name), Team name, edit timestamp. Note that sorting by ID is alphanumeric - not just numeric.
If there are multiple results for your search, use the Paging feature at the bottom right of the page to navigate through the pages of your results.
Once you find a project, you can either open the project to view details or you can go directly to the project participants by clicking on Users. If you are on the list view, you will go directly to the project.
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