Help Center

Using @mention to tag Users, Datasets, and Tasks

Pillar Science includes a common feature to tag others in the platform, @mention. 

What is the @mention Feature?

The @mention feature allows you to tag a specific person in a message or comment. When you use it, the tagged person usually receives a notification, making it easier for them to find and respond to your message.

Using the @mention features ensures the mentioned person sees the message while reducing the need for follow-up emails. Because it's posted in the project, it also helps keep team members informed and engaged.

How to Use the @mention Feature

  1. Start with the “@” Symbol: Begin by typing the “@” symbol in your message or comment.
  2. Type the Person’s Name: After the “@”, start typing the name of the person you want to mention. A list of matching names will appear as you type.
  3. Select the Name: Click on the correct name from the list that appears. This will insert the name into your content.


@John, could you please review the document by EOD?

Where can you use @mention? 

You can use the @mention feature in the Notebook and Dataset comments. 

Who can you tag?

In dataset comments, you can tag individuals or groups of people, including Liaisons, Managers, etc. 

 In the notebook, you can tag individuals or groups of people, including Liaisons, Managers, etc. 

You can also tag datasets and tasks. 






