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Postdoctoral Research - Work Experience or Education?


When it comes to recording your postdoctoral research experience, we understand that it can be a bit confusing. Should you list it as work experience or as part of your educational journey? We’re here to help clarify this for you.

We Recommend Listing Your Postdoc as a Degree

At SRC, we expect you to add your postdoctoral research as a degree rather than work experience. Here’s why:

  1. Alignment with Our Support Model: We support students who are currently working on research projects and expect them to have a “current” degree. By listing your postdoc as a degree, you fit seamlessly into this model.

  2. Reflecting Your Academic Journey: A postdoc is often seen as an extension of your education. It’s a period where you continue to learn, conduct research, and contribute to your field. Listing it as a degree accurately reflects this ongoing academic pursuit.

  3. Job Search Considerations: If you are looking for a job, having an active job listed on your record can be misleading. By recording your postdoc as a degree, you avoid this issue and present a clear picture of your current status.

Your Postdoc Experience is Valuable

We want to assure you that listing your postdoc as a degree does not diminish your achievements or make it seem like you are not actively engaged in important work. On the contrary, it highlights your dedication to advancing your knowledge and contributing to your field.

Remember, your postdoctoral research is a significant part of your academic and professional journey. By recording it as a degree, you ensure that it is recognized appropriately and aligns with our support structure.
