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How SRC Research Scholars update LinkedIn

LinkedIn Logo SRC Research Scholars should add their SRC Research Scholar Experience to their LinkedIn Profile. It simplifies how recruiters, engineers, and even other Scholars can find SRC Research Scholars, using either LinkedIn Search* or LinkedIn Recruiter*.

In the Experience section of your LinkedIn profile*, click the plus icon to add experience. (If you don’t already have an experience section, you will need to add one*.)

Add SRC Research Scholar Experience

  • Enter "Research Scholar" as your Title.
  • Select SRC Research Scholars Program as your Company. (Do NOT choose Semiconductor Research Corporation.)
  • You will also need to add a Start Date for when you began working on SRC research.

In the Description field, you can add the following information of your choosing:

  • Thesis title
  • Area of research interest
  • Brief project description
  • SRC Research Program and task title (e.g., GRC Hardware Security “Task Title”)

Keep in mind that the description field is searchable by hiring managers so make this content count!

Learn how recruiters, engineers, and other Scholars can find SRC Research Scholars using LinkedIn Search.

* Requires a LinkedIn Account
