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Guidance for Submitting Supporting Code and Data

Pillar features the ability to collect data in various file formats. This new capability enables a new way for SRC programs to facilitate technology transfer to our sponsors.

New in Pillar - Add Code & Data to Project

SRC seeks to obtain a snapshot of your code at the state it was in when you submitted your publication to the SRC repository. Historically, there has been concern amongst researchers that code and data are not “camera ready” for distribution at the pre-publication state. While these concerns are valid, perfect is the enemy of accomplishment. 

It is acceptable if your code and data are not in a state that you would want to post on an open code repository like GitHub. Our sponsors employ trained professionals who have the experience to handle and interpret idiosyncratic legacy code and documentation.

SRC requires that all code and supporting data necessary to reproduce a pre-publication and below a compressed 10 MB size limit should be uploaded to Pillar Science. SRC would also like the data collected and used to generate publications to be submitted to Pillar Science as well.

Collection Instructions

Follow these simple instructions when preparing code and data for submission to Pillar Science. 

  • Collect your code and data in a single compressed file, using an open format. 
  • Mark the file with the publication’s name followed by "_data" so that it read like this:
    • “[PublicationName]_data.[Open Compressed File Extension]”
  • The compressed file should contain the data used to generate figures, any code developed for that publication, and any experimental data acquired if the file size is below 10 Mb
  • If the data file is in a proprietary file format as often happens with analytical instruments, please convert it to an open format before uploading
    • If you are not able to convert from proprietary file format to an open file format, please include it in the compressed data file anyway
  • If the data was acquired from an open depository like the UCI Machine Learning Repository, a notification of that along with a dated weblink in a .txt file should be included.

