Help Center

How to Update your Project

Project leaders and other project researchers may need to update their project overview. With Pillar Science, you now have the flexibility to communicate with your audience in a very powerful way. 

What Information Should Be Added?  

You can use the Overview section to share important findings, highlight special research results, or brag about a recent publication or upcoming conference. 

How to Edit Project Overview

  1. In the project, click the Overview tab.
  2. In the Overview tab, find the Overview section.
  3.  Simply click in the Overview section to begin editing. Your Overview section may have a section labeled Updates; if the Updates section is missing, you can add it yourself. 
    The text editor supports images, tables, typical HTML formatting, hyperlinks, etc. You can link to other items in Pillar, such as datasets, by using the URL of the item. 
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes. 


Do Not Edit Description, Background, or Anticipated Primary Results

The project Description, Background, and Anticipated Primary Results sections describe the contractually agreed-upon scope of the project. Do not change these sections unless you have written approval from SRC to make these changes. 

